Greek mythology consists of different categories of gods, goddesses, demigods and deities. Ancient Greeks believed that these figures had different powers that ruled Greece and surrounding areas. The myths were partly adopted in some regions in Europe and were passed on from one generation to another through stories. Greek myths attempted to explain creation and the origin of each god and goddess. They varied from one Greek kingdom to another. Ancient writings, poems and art preserved some Greek myths, which are used today to explain religious beliefs in Modern Greek.
Greek gods and goddesses
Ancient Greeks believed in the Titans, Olympians and lesser gods. Each category of gods and goddesses ruled at a particular place and time. The Titans were considered as the elder gods and goddesses who ruled different planets before Olympians. The Olympians consisted of 12 gods and goddesses, and the principal deities. The Olympians were all related and lived on Mount Olympus in Greece. Greek gods and goddesses behaved like human beings. They interacted, had sexual relations, and had feelings and emotions just like human beings. However, they were believed to have supernatural powers in their territories and could overthrow one another from power.
Greek myths and themes
Analysts of Greek myths believe that most Greek myths were based on true stories. The myths attempted to explain the origin of gods, goddesses and human beings. The creation myth indicates that Greek gods gave birth to the earth, sky and planets. Sexual relations between gods and goddesses gave birth to more gods and goddesses. The gods formed human beings from stones after the first generation of human beings drowned in water for failing to honor the gods.
Other Greek myths indicate that the gods and goddesses could transform themselves into different forms. A god could take the form of any animal or human being mostly for sexual relations. Ancient Greeks believed in death and an underworld. They believed they could interact with the dead and seek advice from them. Ancient Greek myths dictated right and wrong human behavior. Each action had consequences. The gods would punish evil and reward good. Another myth among ancient Greeks is that the world had four ages and four human races. The Titans created the golden race that died and transformed into spirits. The Olympians created the silver race that drowned in water for dishonoring gods.
The Olympians replaced the silver race with a bronze race, which was destroyed for fighting. The fourth race had no metal name but the fifth race was named the iron race. These and other myths have been passed on as stories and art among Greek communities. Some Greek still believe in these myths though many have disregarded them.